Transforming fabrics into fashion and ideas into impeccable merchandising solutions.
with expertise and flair
Job Experience
Textile Sourcing Leader
Fashion Theory Limited
Worked with customer Monoprix (France).
Product Family: Knit, Woven, Sweater, Denim
Product Category: Adult Regular, Adult Nightwear, Kids Nightwear

Textile Quality Assistant
Casino Global Sourcing
Worked with customer AMC, Monoprix, Disco, GoSports,
Tools Used: React.js, Tailwind, Mongoose, Node.js, Express.js, JWT, Bcrypt
Product Family: Knit, Woven, Sweater, Denim, HomeTextile
Product Category: Adult Regular, Adult Nightwear, Kids Nightwear, Home Textiles

Educational Qualification
Post Graduate Diploma in Garments Business
Bachelor in Science in Textile Engineering
Higher Secondary School Certificate
Secondary School Ceritifcate
About Me
As a passionate textile engineer, I had opportunity to learn new things throughout my employment in different roles. Through these times I've enhanced my knowledge over textile products, merchandising, poroduction development, production, quality assurance, team managements, project management, industrial engineering, lean manufacturing, sustain ability, certification, testing, various buyer's requirements etc. My enthusiasm for apparels has led me to pursue a career as textile engineer. I like to engage in ongoing learning and expand my skill sets while collaborating with dyanmic team.